JIRA: No ticket is finished if SmartList not finished

We are using a plugin for JIRA called Smart Checklist for Jira. Pro. With this plugin we can have TODO-Lists on Tickets. Often it makes sense for us to not create subtasks for each little requirement, because tickets come with a lot of bureaucracy and if the ticket takes more time to finish it, then the task itself it is going to become ridiculous. So we have an even smaller unit than subtasks: an entry on the SmartList.

For example, this is my list on the ticket “Blogposts”.

A screenshot of a JIRA smartlist. It shows a headline "Smart Checklist" 1/13 is done, a few icons to like the plugin, edit it and three dots for more. Then an input field follows with the placeholder "Add a checklist item or # header" and then a list follows, were minus is a task and + a finished task.
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One special case we use these lists are tickets of the kind “deployment to production” or “release plugin” or something a like. The completion of a project, shop, plugin or task and we need to make sure some things happen. Take care of the SEO, update the database, make a backup, inform the hosting company about something, etc.

Because we are happy to move a ticket into the state of finish, we added a small validator to the transition to “Finish”:

The field Smart Checklist Progress content must match against the regular expression (^$|.*Done)

To recreate this validation, you need to go to your transition, click on Validators and add the following to a “Regular Expression Check”:

  • Field to validate: Smart Checklist Progress 
  • Regular expression: (^$|.*Done)

This way you get a hard to spot, but at least SOME error if you try to transition a ticket with an undone checklist to your status. Unfortunately it is hard to see on the left bottom, if you currently edit the Smart List in the top center 🤷

Screenshot of an error message: Transition failed! Field Smart Checklist Progress with actual value '1/13' does not match regular expression (^$|.*Done)

And now, I’ll check the item for “Prüfung kein Fertig ohne Smartlist fertig” (Validate not finished if smart list not finished”

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