One can’t mock magic methods in PHPUnit, because of this error. Trying to configure method “getTrackingSent” which cannot be configured because it does not exist, has not been specified, is final, or is static So my workaround until now was to mock __call, like so: This is okay, if one needs only one or maybeContinue reading “Magento 2, PHPUnit and magic methods”
Author Archives: Fabian Blechschmidt
ddev and old packages/PHP extensions
The newest redis PHP extension is unfortunately not compatible with older Shopware versions, showing an error like this: The current ddev version is installing it. And to have a lower version we can just set the package in config.yaml: Unfortunately apt-get which is running in the background of ddev inside the container doesn’t allow toContinue reading “ddev and old packages/PHP extensions”
Testing: Drama numbers
Did you know there are special telephone numbers for tv shows and movies? But we can use them to use them for testing. Don’t use your or other real telephone numbers! Don’t use RANDOM because they might be belong to someone. Bad things might happen, if you do this. The same problem had someone creatingContinue reading “Testing: Drama numbers”
Shopware: How does the Category-Route work?
I wanted to write a blog post about the stack of the category and navigation route, but this draft is now laying around for months and I just looked it up, so to at least help you a little bit, here is the stack and the ProductListingLoader is where the products are loaded 🙂
Shopware 5: Empty snippet file
In DatabaseWriter.php line 75:You called write() but provided no data to be written This error occurs, when your snippet file does not contain snippets. In my case my file is living in src/Resources/snippets/plugins/backend/plugin.ini and looked like this: Which doesn’t look empty, but is ? I changed the file to this: But if you don’t needContinue reading “Shopware 5: Empty snippet file”
Simple (Magento|Shopware) plugin release pipeline
We just finished a shipping plugin and were looking for a simple way to deploy it. Because we wanted to allow composer deployments having a git repository somewhere to get it from was already set, but the customer requested a link to a ZIP file. We already had a private and a public repository andContinue reading “Simple (Magento|Shopware) plugin release pipeline”
PHPStan: unspecified value in iterable
I got this error yesterday and it took hours until I figured out the problem. Why you ask? Because the class looked like this: My impression was: why is $record a problem? It has a type! After trying a simpler example at PHPStan’s playground, I found the problem: While writing this blogpost I tried itContinue reading “PHPStan: unspecified value in iterable”
Shopware: Breadcrumb and Main Category
I’m a developer, therefore I’m living in the code and not the admin area of Shopware. I’m starting this post with this disclaimer, because So back to topic! Breadcrumb Shopware has a breadcrumb menu, which shows you where you are inside the category tree. The interesting question is, which category is used, if the productContinue reading “Shopware: Breadcrumb and Main Category”
PHPUnit Code Sprint: Issue discussions
assertDirectoryExists and assertDirectoryDoesNotExist failed #5996 Did you know php has a statcache which caches the return values of all kinds of return values from the operating system IO? That means, as long as you stick to the php universe like stat(), lstat(), file_exists(), is_writable(), is_readable(), is_executable(), is_file(), is_dir(), is_link(), filectime(), fileatime(), filemtime(), fileinode(), filegroup(), fileowner(), filesize(), filetype(), and fileperms() everything is fine, but don’t mix it with exec(“rm -rf $yourEscapeDirectory”); More on thisContinue reading “PHPUnit Code Sprint: Issue discussions”
PHPUnit Code Sprint in Autumn
Last week I traveled to Munich to attend PHPCode Sprint. Once again Sebastian Bergmann invited to work together on PHPUnit, close issues, fix bugs and think weird behaviour by tests, PHPUnit itself and PHP through. A big shout out and thank you goes to celebrate company who hosted once gain the hackathon and took careContinue reading “PHPUnit Code Sprint in Autumn”