
  • Magento 2, PHPUnit and magic methods

    One can’t mock magic methods in PHPUnit, because of this error. Trying to configure method “getTrackingSent” which cannot be configured because it does not exist, has not been specified, is final, or is static So my workaround until now was to mock __call, like so: This is okay, if one needs only one or maybeContinue…

  • ddev and old packages/PHP extensions

    The newest redis PHP extension is unfortunately not compatible with older Shopware versions, showing an error like this: The current ddev version is installing it. And to have a lower version we can just set the package in config.yaml: Unfortunately apt-get which is running in the background of ddev inside the container doesn’t allow toContinue…

  • Testing: Drama numbers

    Did you know there are special telephone numbers for tv shows and movies? But we can use them to use them for testing. Don’t use your or other real telephone numbers! Don’t use RANDOM because they might be belong to someone. Bad things might happen, if you do this. The same problem had someone creatingContinue…

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