Shopware 6: Events in Administration

Another day another funny story. I updated a plugin from 6.4 to 6.5 and one of the requirement was to update the backend view on order save. First try: this.$root.$on On the sw-order-detail plugin the onSaveEdits method emits an event on the root node. Many events on the shopware administration are emitted on the componentContinue reading “Shopware 6: Events in Administration”

Vue.js: $refs only on parent

TIL (Today I learned) that on Vue.js if you give a DOM element/vue component it is only saved on the $parent.$refs. I’m writing this down, because coming from Magento 1, my assumption was, that $refs is some kind of a library or singleton, so I can find ALLE components in it – this is notContinue reading “Vue.js: $refs only on parent”

Shopware 6: Add property/attribute/feature to product and order by it

The mission: We are selling art and want to make it possible to order the products by creation year. Shopware has an excellent documentation about how to add a new sorting to product listing. But unfortunately no one is telling us how to add a new feature/property/attribute/you name it to a product, so here isContinue reading “Shopware 6: Add property/attribute/feature to product and order by it”