Shopware: Breadcrumb and Main Category

I’m a developer, therefore I’m living in the code and not the admin area of Shopware. I’m starting this post with this disclaimer, because So back to topic! Breadcrumb Shopware has a breadcrumb menu, which shows you where you are inside the category tree. The interesting question is, which category is used, if the productContinue reading “Shopware: Breadcrumb and Main Category”

Shopware: Redirect old URLs

We migrated a Magento to Shopware and one of the things we had to do is find a solution to redirect the old URLs. Easy solution: VHost config Most of the time you can just add them to the VHost config, so they are loaded once with the apache and used by the apache. NoContinue reading “Shopware: Redirect old URLs”

Shopware 6.6. + Vue 3

As written in the last blogpost, we had the problem, that we had a object chain which somewhere in between was null and therefore threw an error. Null safe operator In PHP I would fix the problem the null safe operator ?->. And the same exists in JavaScript: ?. . Available in Vue 3 TheContinue reading “Shopware 6.6. + Vue 3”

Shopware 6: Entity Extension without properties?!

Shopware Version: Today morning we sat with three of our developers together to debug a weird behaviour of one of our plugins. Let me tell you: If you need three people to debug weird behaviour, which normally is no problem and you just write it down, it is always the small things. The problemContinue reading “Shopware 6: Entity Extension without properties?!”

Shopware 6: Migrations and missing data

Shopware Version We have a couple of plugins on the Shopware store, one of them is an addition and filter for invoice numbers on the order grid in the administration. In December we got a very nice support ticket from Sebastian working at We have a bug, that the order list is notContinue reading “Shopware 6: Migrations and missing data”

Shopware 6: How to NOT extend … non-entities

We have a feature to implement: We need multiple groups for customers. And because we already have good experience with tags, we implement it with tags. Customer is part of a band? Cool, give them the tag “Die Prinzen“. They are part of multiple bands? No problem, tag them with “Versengold” also. Do I justContinue reading “Shopware 6: How to NOT extend … non-entities”

Shopware 6: Easy errors/validation on checkout and flash message

One of our customers needs sometimes a file uploaded on the checkout. In our other checkout posts, we explained, how to change the checkout and why it is so easy in Shopware <3 I don’t want to dive into details of the upload, if you want to read about it, leave a comment or dropContinue reading “Shopware 6: Easy errors/validation on checkout and flash message”

Apache: Writing and debugging RewriteRules

Yesterday I had to improve RewriteRules. We redirected the old Magento 1 /catalogsearch/ search urls to the homepage. Yesterday the penny dropped and we decided to redirect it to the Shopware search ? How to do this you asked? But more important to me is, how to implement this. Stackoverflow helps, the documentation from ApacheContinue reading “Apache: Writing and debugging RewriteRules”

Shopware 6: Regenerate ALL Thumbnails

Shopware Version Generate Media Types First: Make sure, the media file knows what thumbnails needs to be generated, to do this, you run: More about this can be found here over at – Especially a shortcut if: If you have at least one image of each file extension in your media table, youContinue reading “Shopware 6: Regenerate ALL Thumbnails”