Today I had a weird behaviour of one of our customers store. We tried to install the Shopware Security Plugin and what happened was: TL;DR: Opcache. I turned to Shopware’s slack and asked the community. We had this behaviour in the past, but I couldn’t remember what the problem was. Thankfully I got an answerContinue reading “Shopware: Plugin install on CLI works, but admin removes it again!?”
Tag Archives: plugin
Shopware: Names are just noise and smoke
Shopware Version My colleague Carl told us last week, that it took him a while to get options on Shopware JavaScript frontend plugins working. I was wondering why, I did it a couple of times and had no problems, but after explanation I understood. Name are not just noise and smoke I always hadContinue reading “Shopware: Names are just noise and smoke”
Shopware 6: (No) services on plugin install
After improving my payment plugin the other day, I ran into an error – or so I thought. You have requested a non-existent service service.alias I tried to import translations for my payment method while installing the plugin. To do this, I wrote a service to read the JSON translation files and give me theContinue reading “Shopware 6: (No) services on plugin install”
Renaming Shopware 6 Plugins
You want to rename the name of your plugin you can find when running: This is easy, change the name of your “base class” which is defined in your composer.json, e.g. from to But it isn’t applied? That cost me nearly an hour. What didn’t help bin/console clean:cache composer install bin/console plugin:refresh Removing the templateContinue reading “Renaming Shopware 6 Plugins”