Migration: Find customer which can’t login, because they have multiple accounts

When migrating multiple Magento websites to Shopware 6 via migrations assistant, you can end up with the same customer account (aka email address), not being a guest and no sales_channel attached. To find the customers, you can run the following SQL query, it will show you the email address, the ids of the customer rowsContinue reading “Migration: Find customer which can’t login, because they have multiple accounts”

Shopware: Debug SQL Queries on the CLI

You are trying to debug a Command, ScheduledTask or Message on the queue? Symfony Profiler and toolbar For the frontend it is easy, you can just use the Symfony Profiler – easily activated by turning on the dev mode. This can be done, by changing APP_ENV=”prod” to APP_ENV=”dev” in your .env file. And then youContinue reading “Shopware: Debug SQL Queries on the CLI”

Shopware 6 – How to mysqldump

Other posts about mysqldump mysqldump –quick -C –hex-blob –single-transaction –quick, -q This option is useful for dumping large tables. It forces mysqldump to retrieve rows for a table fromthe server a row at a time rather than retrieving the entire row set and buffering it in memorybefore writing it out.–compress, -C Compress all information sentContinue reading “Shopware 6 – How to mysqldump”