Pass infos to product listing page via virtual(?) DOM

We are currently implementing a module for a customer which manipulates filters and should update the sidebar with new content. I think I found a very nifty way to pass informations to the JS to update the sidebar without another request. Product list ist HTML and not JSON The first important finding was, that althoughContinue reading “Pass infos to product listing page via virtual(?) DOM”

Adding Smart Download Links to Your Product Pages in Shopware

One of our recent projects involved a unique request from a client: They needed a download link for a ZIP archive containing relevant information for each product on their Shopware site’s listing pages. However, the catch was to only display this link if the ZIP archive actually existed on the server. In other words, weContinue reading “Adding Smart Download Links to Your Product Pages in Shopware”

Shopware: Don’t reuse variables – webpack(!?)

Good morning! We submitted our payment plugin once again, Shopware’s review can be stressful, or in other words: They are doing an amazing job finding bugs. What is going on? I have no clue. Even worse – it seems like ALL frontend plugins are broken. How to know this? You can run in your browserContinue reading “Shopware: Don’t reuse variables – webpack(!?)”

Cypress: iframes on foreign origins

As you might know, Cypress is a problem and there is a lot of stuff written down. But because I didn’t make it work with one article, we need another one! I made it work with our payment plugin for Montonio so here it goes: Security? Who needs this anyway!? First step is to turnContinue reading “Cypress: iframes on foreign origins”

Symfony: {{ dump() }} creates an iframe

That’s it, that’s the message. Some context You are here for the story behind? I’m happy to tell you, but might be boring 🙂 I’m still working on a payment plugin for Shopware 6 and because the damn iframe for card payment and blik is changing its name all the time, I’ll access it inContinue reading “Symfony: {{ dump() }} creates an iframe”

Shopware: async vs defer – use defer

We build a payment plugin and currently working on the release on the Shopware store. One of the feedback we got is to either add async or defer to the externally loaded <script> The difference between the two is simple once it is understood but before that it sounds the same – and it isContinue reading “Shopware: async vs defer – use defer”

Shopware: Names are just noise and smoke

Shopware Version My colleague Carl told us last week, that it took him a while to get options on Shopware JavaScript frontend plugins working. I was wondering why, I did it a couple of times and had no problems, but after explanation I understood. Name are not just noise and smoke I always hadContinue reading “Shopware: Names are just noise and smoke”

CSS/JS: How to get back the default?

It’s the small things, but I think it is worth writing about it, because I learned something new and maybe you do to! I help a friend building her homepage and while implementing a small little translation script (I should blog about as well ?) the question came up to how to remove the display:Continue reading “CSS/JS: How to get back the default?”

Shopware 6: Vue Dev Tools on production

Writing backend administration plugins is hard. Especially if your docker setup has problems running bin/ But Vue Devtools are here to help! Unfortunately they don’t run in production mode, only on the watcher. So if you are struggeling with running the watches, the next best thing is to install a chrome plugin which forces yourContinue reading “Shopware 6: Vue Dev Tools on production”

Shopware 6: Putting Payment Methods in the Shipping Method space

This blogpost is based on Shopware version One of our customers had the requirement to implement a couple of additional, “special” payment methods. Because this increased the number of payment methods in the shop to 12 in total, the customer suggested to spread the payment methods out to both sides of the checkout, usingContinue reading “Shopware 6: Putting Payment Methods in the Shipping Method space”