I read yesterday a discussion on phpc.social a Mastodon instance for the PHP community about docker images and how to make them work for you. Btw, all the following hard work is done by my great colleague Thomas Spigel. In our case, we want to use it for deployments, testing (especially cypress) and our newestContinue reading “How to: Own PHP image”
Tag Archives: docker
Jekyll/Github Pages/Docker: Add dependencies
As I told you two days ago, I’m working on this Jekyll page. To generate the thumbnails I needed Imagemagick, but because jekyll doesn’t work on my local mac anymore (don’t ask why – I have no clue) I just found a docker images with does great work – thanks Bret Fisher! But unfortunaley orContinue reading “Jekyll/Github Pages/Docker: Add dependencies”
How to: Stage-Environment, Docker
Once upon a time I sat together with Thomas Lohner from ScaleCommerce and built a demo setup for Lizards and Pumpkins. It was great but most of the work he did, because he was (and most likely is still the docker master of the two of us). It was a great setup: We (and thisContinue reading “How to: Stage-Environment, Docker”
A local dev environment in Windows 10 – Part II: Creating our first DDEV container
Introduction With Docker and DDEV-Local installed within our Linux distribution (Ubuntu), we are now going to create our first “DDEV container” (which is actually a docker container created via DDEV, but for now, you really mustn’t be too worried about that). One important aspect to note here is that all the files we’re going toContinue reading “A local dev environment in Windows 10 – Part II: Creating our first DDEV container”
A local dev environment for Windows 10 – Part I: Installing Docker, DDEV-Local & WSL2
Introduction All right, so you’re a developer working on a Windows machine, and as such, you’ve probably come across the topic of setting up a local dev environment before. Maybe you just needed a local Apache server and went for a standard XAMPP-setup. Or maybe – due to the ever-increasing complexity of your projects –Continue reading “A local dev environment for Windows 10 – Part I: Installing Docker, DDEV-Local & WSL2”