Shopware: Configuration does NOT default to current sales channel!

I just had a nice call with Bruno, one of our developers. He added a small snippet in one of our plugins: I told him, he can omit the salesChannelId, because Shopware takes the current, if no is passed. He disagreed, so I dig down – and he is right! Deep down in the callContinue reading “Shopware: Configuration does NOT default to current sales channel!”

Shopware 6: Default layout or why are nearly(!?) all categories 404-ing!?!

Did I tell you about this awesome, huge migration we just did? Sorry – still happy about it. But a little story during the migration, we copied the whole staging database to the production system, everything worked fine, then we migrated the data and a few things got fucked up and unfortunately we don’t knowContinue reading “Shopware 6: Default layout or why are nearly(!?) all categories 404-ing!?!”

MessengerPass::getServiceClass() must be of the type string, null returned

You are implement a scheduled task in Shopware 6 and get a weird error message? Then you maybe copied the classnames of your TaskHandler and/or Task with a \ prefix. This is wrong: This is correct: The difference? The id: I hope this helps someone 🙂