As written in the last blogpost, we had the problem, that we had a object chain which somewhere in between was null and therefore threw an error. Null safe operator In PHP I would fix the problem the null safe operator ?->. And the same exists in JavaScript: ?. . Available in Vue 3 TheContinue reading “Shopware 6.6. + Vue 3”
Tag Archives: administration
Shopware 6: Find a broken entity indexer
Yesterday I told you, that you can select the entities which are searched by default on the Shopware administration dashboard. That was a chance find, while debugging while the search doesn’t work at all. If you are running elastic/open search all entities which are searchable need an Indexer, a few hints how to do it,Continue reading “Shopware 6: Find a broken entity indexer”
Shopware 6: Limit the admin dashboard search
Today I learned! One can limit the entities which are searched on the admin backend – which is cool, because we are running open search (the forked elasticsearch) on the instance and if one implements a new indexer to search in it, one might forget to implement an elastic search indexer as well. In ourContinue reading “Shopware 6: Limit the admin dashboard search”
Shopware 6: Events in Administration
Another day another funny story. I updated a plugin from 6.4 to 6.5 and one of the requirement was to update the backend view on order save. First try: this.$root.$on On the sw-order-detail plugin the onSaveEdits method emits an event on the root node. Many events on the shopware administration are emitted on the componentContinue reading “Shopware 6: Events in Administration”
Shopware 6: UX Fuckup and an Unavailable Shipping Method
It’s always, ALWAYS!! the small thinks – ok it is not, but today it was. I searched over an hour for the problem, why our shipment method was not available. The error message comes from \Shopware\Core\Checkout\Shipping\Cart\Error\ShippingMethodBlockedError And after digging down to vendor/shopware/storefront/Resources/views/storefront/page/checkout/confirm/index.html.twig I learned about {% if page.cart.errors.blockResubmit %} and especially page.cart.errors. If you dumpContinue reading “Shopware 6: UX Fuckup and an Unavailable Shipping Method”
Shopware 6: Vue Dev Tools on production
Writing backend administration plugins is hard. Especially if your docker setup has problems running bin/ But Vue Devtools are here to help! Unfortunately they don’t run in production mode, only on the watcher. So if you are struggeling with running the watches, the next best thing is to install a chrome plugin which forces yourContinue reading “Shopware 6: Vue Dev Tools on production”
Vue.js: $refs only on parent
TIL (Today I learned) that on Vue.js if you give a DOM element/vue component it is only saved on the $parent.$refs. I’m writing this down, because coming from Magento 1, my assumption was, that $refs is some kind of a library or singleton, so I can find ALLE components in it – this is notContinue reading “Vue.js: $refs only on parent”
Shopware 6: Get a configuration value in administration
How to get a configuration value on the backend? “Don’t call it backend!!!” Make an API call. And how do you do that? With a service!
Shopware 6: Services in the admin
We are currently implementing a payment plugin, and one of the things we want to have is a button to test the configuration. So we need to make an AJAX call to the PHP “backend”, which is all API driven in Shopware 6. Shopware is offering a nice way to do this: The ApiService implementedContinue reading “Shopware 6: Services in the admin”
Shopware 6: ModuleNotFoundError: Module not found: Error: Can’t resolve ‘flatpickr’
Good morning! Yesterday it took me half a day to get the working. The problem was that the error “ModuleNotFoundError: Module not found: Error: Can’t resolve ‘flatpickr’” was thrown and I had no clue why. And after running down the rabbit hole the funny developer-game started “which of the many changes was the oneContinue reading “Shopware 6: ModuleNotFoundError: Module not found: Error: Can’t resolve ‘flatpickr’”