Adding Smart Download Links to Your Product Pages in Shopware

One of our recent projects involved a unique request from a client: They needed a download link for a ZIP archive containing relevant information for each product on their Shopware site’s listing pages. However, the catch was to only display this link if the ZIP archive actually existed on the server. In other words, weContinue reading “Adding Smart Download Links to Your Product Pages in Shopware”

Shopify: Vendor logo on product pages using a custom Liquid snippet

The other day, we had a request for replacing Shopify’s default vendor text with a little logo on product pages – but only for specific vendors. Since I figured this may be worth sharing, here’s a quick summary/tutorial of how I went about this; (1) Upload the designated logo to your Shopify store. (2) OpenContinue reading “Shopify: Vendor logo on product pages using a custom Liquid snippet”

A local dev environment in Windows 10 – Part II: Creating our first DDEV container

Introduction With Docker and DDEV-Local installed within our Linux distribution (Ubuntu), we are now going to create our first “DDEV container” (which is actually a docker container created via DDEV, but for now, you really mustn’t be too worried about that). One important aspect to note here is that all the files we’re going toContinue reading “A local dev environment in Windows 10 – Part II: Creating our first DDEV container”

A local dev environment for Windows 10 – Part I: Installing Docker, DDEV-Local & WSL2

Introduction All right, so you’re a developer working on a Windows machine, and as such, you’ve probably come across the topic of setting up a local dev environment before. Maybe you just needed a local Apache server and went for a standard XAMPP-setup. Or maybe – due to the ever-increasing complexity of your projects –Continue reading “A local dev environment for Windows 10 – Part I: Installing Docker, DDEV-Local & WSL2”